Plato’s Cave
Plato’s story it’s about how knowledge works, if we stay on what I will say our comfort zone we won’t be able to learn anything else about what surround us we need to look beyond of what our eyes show you, we live in a big world that nowadays everything is connected, specially from country to country and people to people. If we just stay on the idea that the place where you live is the whole world for you; you’ll be just loosing time, of course it is important but there’s more that we can reach
The first video tells the story with cartoons and a narrator explains what is going on, I think it is a good video because it helps us understand the background and the main concepts, it is really specific about what the prisoner learned and how everything so interesting was, the idea is concrete and simple.
In the second video it show us the story with images and a much younger voice, but I think it is kind of confusing because what I imagine is actually a cave and here it shows pictures of our actual world and it is kind of confusing, they just show the things, like when they say the prisoners where watching a type of screen it actually shows a TV and when it explains about the fire and the shadows it shows actually fire, just fire and I think I didn't get the whole concept of the story with this one, I know I can compare it with real life but I rather make the connection my self, because too many information of different sources kind of confuses the story and the main idea.
The third video was the one I like the most it is like a documental and explains every point of the story, it shows the learning process of the prisoner who went out of the cave, and the different points of view about the story, how some students thought on the cave like a human brain or as the world.
I think the video I will show to explain the story will be depending on the people I want it to explain, I f I want them to get their own conclusions from nothing I will show the first video with animations but if I want them to understand more than their own conclusions I will show the third one.