Friday, April 5, 2013

"The Story of Santanu and Ganga"

In the Indian culture there's kind of like a book Mahabharata with some traditional stories based on the Indian mythology, with the video and the story, I realized that as the romans and greeks they made stories about their gods and believes. From this story which is better explained than on the video I kind of like understood the most of it but it's still complicated. The fact that the king (dad) was a man of word and kept his promise, then the girl married the son of the king under the agreement he'll never question her decisions but after so much suffering loosing his 7 children he stopped her, and realized there was a curse threatening them, but as he broke the agreement the girl had to leave him with the 8th child who still had the curse.
I actually understood that the curse was because one of the ancestors stole the sacred cow of a god and gave it to one of his girls to keep someone away from suffering and sickness. I really didn't like the story at all but i's okay, it's a good story just not my type; however, I really like Indian culture and I will love to have the chance to go and appreciate it and live it personally.

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