Thursday, October 24, 2013

Political Philosophers

From the philosophers we read about I think the one I find most appealing will be John Locke, because  he was concerned about humans, he talked about the relationship between the citizens and the government they have, and the separation of powers (just like we know it and live it), and the human rights which I are one of the most important things for a human, now a days we have better lives because of them, we can follow our interests buy the things we like, talk to the people we feel comfortable too and so on. He was right about separating powers so nobody takes control of an entire nation or a continent and of course the government should care about the citizens, they were elected by them, they represent the citizens and theatrically they are citizens.

So, the least appealing for me was Machiavelli, his ideas are really interesting too but I think what he established on "The Prince" is old now, it did happen in different parts of the world, and we all know the consequences of a leader who preferred to be feared as loved, but we also know some examples of leaders who their people loved and they were still good governors.

I think that Thomas Hobbes was the most realistic, he is right about everything, societies are pretty difficult to understand, like as long as we have safety they won't care about freedom or maybe they won't even notice they are missing some freedom. although he is a little pessimistic, he is also kind of right men can be the most terrible being on earth and we actually are.

Plato and "The Republic" where he established the utopia is the less realistic philosopher, because he just imagined a perfect world for him, but what about the rest of the people, I am sure that my opinion of a perfect world is totally different to my neighbor's or a friend's opinion. It's a really nice idea, really original maybe his intentions where good, for example in a perfect world there will be no revolutions or wars which destroy an entire society and maybe everyone will be happy but I will never try to take an Utopia in to practice, I like to be just me :)

In conclusion, some of the philosophers think that the best way to keep a nation under control is with human rights, democracy and a republic while others think a monarchy will be the best, one side of the ideology is that people can deal with their issues and find their happiness one day just like Aristotle said avoiding vices and living a good life, but some on the other side, there are the ones who see the human being as a big monster.

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